Amandas Charity Involvment

"I just have always felt like – specially in this industry – there’s so much excess, there’s so much privilege. And… I felt guilty. I was like ‘Wow, I’m really… I always wanted to do this and now I’m doing it and I’m SO lucky.’ And I think I’ve always – even as a kid – I always saw somebody in trouble or somebody, you know, downtrodden or marginalized people in society and it broke my heart. And so, I think I still have that sort of empathy gene – and my daughter definitely has it. And I just… you can’t ignore it. You sort of listen to your heart and go, ‘Okay, well, my heart is telling me I gotta do something.’"

Amanda Tapping, 2013

Amanda Tapping has always used her talents to benefit others, supporting dozens of charities through her personal convention appearances and through her work.

When asked at a convention in 2013 which project she would like to be remembered for, she replied "Sanctuary for Kids". This non-profit organization directed and collected funds to projects helping children around the world, raises many hundreds of thousands of dollars worldwide for such projects through online memorabilia auctions, fan experiences and their own fundraising convention in the UK, run every 18 months by Gabit Events. Sanctuary for Kids supported charities in Vancouver (Watari), Nepal (NOH , NGN, Asha Nepal) and Haiti, raising over CAD$ 1 million over ten years After achieving what they set out to do, the charity closed its doors in December 2018. Funds raised by fans, friends , events and fundraisers raised over these years have accomplished so much and left a legacy that has never been eaten and has changed the world.

Amanda continues to support the charities privately, such as the Obakki Foundation. For years Amanda has also supported several other charities such as the Coast Foundation, Canadian Cancer Society, Multiple Sclerosis Society, Pollution Probe, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. She sits on the Board of Directors of the Waterkeeper Alliance. She has participated in other projects and fundraising/awareness events such as the PinUps for Pink calendar to support the fight against breast cancer, the fundraiser Once Upon A Cure, raising money for therapy research for Mucopolysaccharidosis and V-Day in which she performed at The Vagina Monologues to help end violence against girls and women. In 2018 she performed at two events, one to raise money for a boy with cancer and raise awareness about bone marrow donation, the other to raise money for two charities supporting children in critical situations (VACFFS and KIND).

Amanda is a spokesperson for UNICEF, which is about visiting local schools and educating students about the problems faced by children in some countries, such as a lack of clean water and medical supplies.

Her fandom is generous, compassionate, and fiercely loyal to their "Grand Empress of Sci Fi". Amanda is always happy to meet them when she attends events or performs anywhere. If you want to get involved and support Amanda's projects, check out the Gabit Events website [].

More than 2000.-€ donation: Delphine Landais from France, who is an excellent artist and a Stargate fan, had a really great idea. She draws pictures of the stars from Stargate and sells them. 100% of the proceeds go to the aid organization "Nepal Orphans Home". If you would like to have one of her works of art and also want to support Amanda's charity with it, you should take a look around here:

♠  on Twitter:  -  @DLANDAIS    ♠  on Instagram:  -  delf1982

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